Plant Dyes and Promenades

Join us on an educational day of promenading and plant dyes with plants we find around us. Capture all the colors out in nature.

What will we do?

We gather and go for a walk in the surrounding nature around Kullar och Klang where you will learn about different plants that can be used for plant dyeing and how to think when collecting wild plants. During the walk (about 1 hour) we collect a few different plants which we then take back.

In the second half of the course, we will dye different types of textiles with both the plants we collected and some common other plants that we have in our lives, such as red onions. Through different techniques, we can get a rainbow of different colors. There is more color in some plants than you might think!

You will take home some color samples and recipes: small textiles that you can use at home as a reference if you want to dye further. It is possible to buy more material on site.

No prior knowledge is required. Materials are included, but make sure to bring good shoes for the walk and some money to buy fika in Kullar and Klang’s café.


Plant dyes and Promenades is offered at least once every summer. This year it will be held in collaboration with Bilda Nord and Kullar och Klang! The course will be in Swedish, but translation on the spot is possible.

When: 14 juli 12.00-16.00
Where: Kullar och Klang, Vännforsbäck 23, 911 92 Vännäs
Costs: 500 kr incl materials

You can sign up here or send me a message if you have questions.